Future Talent Scholarship

Are you looking to take your talent further and progress in your creative career but wondering how you will be able to fund your studies? We understand that studying at university can be a challenging financial commitment, which is why we offer several scholarships and bursaries to help you achieve your ambitions, whatever your background.

Launching for September 2024 entry, the new BIMM University Future Talent Scholarships provide full 3-year tuition fee scholarships for candidates from a low household income and/or groups under-represented in the creative industries. We are looking to support those who demonstrate talent in their chosen discipline, strong creative potential, and a high motivation for a career in the creative industries.

The scholarships will support undergraduate degree study across our 14 schools, covering music, film, performing arts and creative technology courses.

The scholarships offer financial support, a supportive training environment, and a skills and career development programme designed to support progression to future careers in the creative industries.

Who can apply

You can apply for a BIMM University Future Talent Scholarship if you:

  • are applying to study for an undergraduate degree at a BIMM University school (BIMM Music Institute, Screen and Film School, Institute for Contemporary Theatre or Performers College) in the upcoming 2024/25 academic year, and
  • are a UK national with a home fee status, and
  • are from a low household income*, and/or
  • are from an under-represented group in higher education, which includes students who are;
    • from a global majority background
    • a care leaver, care experienced or estranged
    • a mature student
    • part of the LGBTQ+ community, or from a gender-diverse background
    • disabled

* Student Finance England (SFE) offers a full maintenace grant to students with a household income of £25,000 or less.

How to apply

You will first need to apply for an undergraduate degree course at BIMM University starting in September 2024. Once you have applied and have your applicant ID, please complete the scholarship application form below.

The deadline for 2024 entry has now passed.

Help with your application

We want to ensure that your scholarship application truly shows off your abilities. We’ve put together the helpful guide below to help you achieve this.

Submission Guide

What happens next

A panel will assess applications shortly after the scholarship application deadline. We will contact you regarding the outcome of your application shortly after the panel has met.

As this is a competitive process and as there are a limited number of scholarships available, we strongly recommend that all applicants follow the usual processes to secure the relevant student funding. Where appropriate, successful applicants will be able to amend/cancel their request for financial support from Student Finance England once their scholarship has been awarded.

Application to the Future Talent Scholarship does not exclude students from accessing university hardship funds or the Fair Access Fund.

For any questions, please get in touch with [email protected].



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